Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Matt Taibbi on Sarah Palin and the state of american politics

I have tried to spread this article around as much as I possibly can because I feel that it speaks deeply to the horrible situation this country is in right now. I'm not talking about the recession, the war, or racism. I'm talking about apathy. This country has an uncanny ability right now to be completely spoon-fed fear tactics and swallow it with a smile.

The ascension to possible V.P. is, as Taibbi puts it, "a complete fraud" one that "this country will eat up" is a symptom of just how malleable this nation is. I share this sentiment. It is insanely obvious that this was a pandering move made by McCain. By picking this woman that represents so many abstract mainstream ideas (religion, small-town appeal, youth), McCain knew he could win with her using her as a wedge to draw sides and point fingers. If you don't want "victory" in Iraq, you are waving a "flag of surrender". If you aren't strong enough of a Christian, you're Muslim ,and thus, a terrorist. Even though she falters in interviews, people in this nation feel sympathy, not terror or outrage of the fact that this woman could be leading this country if McCain kicks the bucket.

I highlight this article is because out of everything I have read recently this is one of pure outrage, but focused outrage. Matt Taibbi doesn't pull any punches. He tries to expose the propaganda tactics that McCain is employing. He doesn't directly state it but I made the observation that Palin represents at least 6 of the 7 propaganda techniques used by everyone from the catholic church to hitler.

Bandwagon: If you are not, as Taibbi puts it "a raging baby-making furnace of middle-class ambition" you are probably a terrorist, or at least un-american.
Card-stacking: How many times has Palin stated at rallys that Obama will raise taxes when it says in his economic plan that he actually won't for 95% of americans?
Generalities: She is adored because she is "like my neighbor". I agree, she is a culmination of all that is mainstream america including everything that is wrong with it.
Name calling: She has done this well throughout her run, but my favorite was during her RNC speech where she used the word "evil" 4 or 5 times in reference to Middle-Eastern people. Muslim, terrrorist, evil, un-american...I could go on, but it kind of makes me sick to my stomach.
Plain-folks: um...well. I think this has been covered.
Transfer: Hockey moms = Palin. Hockey is good, and american. So is Sarah Palin.
Testimonials: She's had experience cleaning up Alaska, and regulating energy is what she says. How come no one else is saying that?

These are just a few examples. I couple probably think of more but I feel this post has gone on long enough. I cannot post the article for fear of failing this assignment due to some profanity and vivid metaphors, but if you want to check it out go to and search for Matt Taibbi's blog. The article is under "Mad Dog Palin." But please, if you are easily offended don't read it. The article makes some important comments on american culture, but it is a vivid statement. Approach with caution.


kmags12 said...

haha i really like this post. I feel like we could post many things about sarah palin.....way to incorporate the things we learned in class into it. :)

arabian_nights said...

Ugh. I know. It is like although we dodged the bullet this time, the problem wasn't ever the bullet, it was the the fact that everyone was willing to get shot. So completely frustrating.